Improvisation by Vasily Kandinsky

Improvisation by Vasily Kandinsky

“Improvisation 28”. The main leitmotif of the work is a crusade against the traditional aesthetic values and the artist’s dream of a better, more spiritual future through the transforming power of art.

Kandinsky through through schematized means depicts catastrophic events on one side of the canvas and paradise of spiritual salvation on the other. For example, images of boats and waves are a global deluge, snakes and guns appear on the left side, while the bright sun and festive candles appear to the right.

The artist sought to express the internal state and dynamics of the emerging XX century. A coup in the artist’s mind caused a scientific discovery about the decomposition of the atom. Kandinsky wrote: “It responded to me like a sudden destruction of the whole world.” The thick arches suddenly collapsed.

Everything became wrong, shaky and soft. I would not be surprised if the stone rose into the air and dissolved into it. Science seemed to me to be destroyed: its main foundation was only the error, the error of scientists… to the touch searching for truth, in the blindness of one who took one thing after another. “