On the window sill of the open window in the basket there is a large bouquet of roses – soft pink, white, cream, so many that almost no dark green

On the window sill of the open window in the basket there is a large bouquet of roses – soft pink, white, cream, so many that almost no dark green
Chaplygin Sergey Alekseevich, scientist in the field of theoretical mechanics, one of the founders of modern hydro and aerodynamics, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor.
Winter is the coldest season in the year. But if you do not take into account this shortcoming, it becomes the most amazing. How much light, purity, freshness there are
Another poetic aspect of Russian nature is the autumn landscapes. There is an opinion that the fall on the canvas, as well as the sunset, is very difficult to spoil
Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar known in the history of Russian art as a remarkable painter, museum figure, an outstanding teacher and architect. Each of his work emits positive energy and creative
Summer day, modest, soft nature, the sky is covered with white clouds, through which blue patches can be seen. To the left, thin birch trees huddle together, and in the
A talented artist, a prominent art historian, restorer and educator, Igor Grabar, regarded painting a little from the scientific side, studiously studying new techniques and curious methods. His fascination with
Winter landscape – a favorite plot of any Russian artist, and Igor Grabar was no exception. His winter is easy, free, calm. Contemplative beauty is different and “February Azure.” Very
The plot of the village life: a peasant house, a smithy, a stable, or, perhaps, a stable. A wooden board fence separates from the road a garden with young, thin
The painting is written in the spirit of the French Impressionists – a combination of small spots and careless, diffuse smears of yellow, red, brown, and in some places still
A prominent art historian, restorer and teacher, Igor Grabar was an artist who was not afraid to learn and experiment. Still Life The “untidy table” was the creative result of
The painting “Rowkins” by Igor Grabar was written in 1924, the researchers of the artist’s work refer to it to the late period of his work. After fourteen years of
The connection of “floral” and “tea” still-lifes with all their textured, color and light features took place in the picture “Chrysanthemum.” “I have long been getting to chrysanthemums, and good
Even before the Great October Socialist Revolution, IE Grabar was among the painters whose work determined the face of Russian art of the pre-revolutionary era. Even then they were painted
The fourth exhibition of paintings “World of Art”, held in 1902 first in St. Petersburg and then in Moscow, brought Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar not just recognition, but a stunning success,