Dining table by Henri Matisse

Dining table by Henri Matisse

The picture “Dining Table” refers to the early period of creativity of Henri Matisse, when he, like most young emerging artists, was “infected” with ideas of impressionism.

Already at first glance, the canvas can catch the talent and originality of the novice painter. The first thing that attracts attention is the choice of a genre. It is impossible to quite accurately relate the canvas to a particular genre: at first glance this genre scene, where the maid lovingly corrects a lush bouquet of flowers, however, the careful drawing and composition of elements on the table makes us think that we are still in life.

The arrangement of the table in the space of this unusual genre still-life painting again gives reason to admire Matisse’s notion: he purposely cut the edge of the table, offering the viewer the illusion that the luxurious dining table would continue outside the picture, and this action greatly expanded the artistic space salary

Starting to look at the table, the viewer pulls out delicious slides of fruit, neat cutlery, decanters with drinks on a snow-white tablecloth. And all this is permeated with bright sunlight, whose source is somewhere off to the side. Major work, light, and joyful provides everyone to feel the charm of a cozy living room, where a friendly family is about to gather for easy conversations.

This picture is dedicated to some kind of warm memory, or, on the contrary, projects the dreams of Matisse – we do not know. However, at this time the artist was experiencing an acute material need, and, knowing this, the creation of Matisse’s “Dining Table” acquires some notes of sentimentality.

As for the technique, the young artist is experimenting here with the findings of the masters of impressionism. In the picture you can feel the influence of Renoir, Moreau and, of course, Claude Monet.

Today this picture has gone into the shadow of the more famous bright works of Matisse, written in the style of Fauvism, besides the canvas is not available for viewing, as it is in a private collection. Despite this, the “Dining Table” and in reproduction can surprise and delight admirers of impressionism, and not only – the pacified picture with an unusual angle, demonstrating the joys of family happiness and comfort resonates in the soul of every viewer.