On the wings of the night by Keith Parkinson

On the wings of the night by Keith Parkinson

The black army of darkness rushes through the dry, scorched grass in the night. Horses’ eyes and nostrils are burning, riders have no faces. A terrible force lifted them from decayed coffins and threw them into battle. The earth trembles with the trampling of hoofs, dust, smoke, and ashes mixed with the blackness of the night sky. Just beyond the mountains, the last flashes of the evening dawn flash out in an ominous glow.

In Keith Parkinson’s painting “On the wings of the night,” the warriors of the underworld kingdom left the other world at the behest of their powerful lord and on the wings of the night they fly to do his will. In recent years, Keith Parkinson was ill for a long time. Keith Parkinson passed away on October 26, 2005 from leukemia. After the artist’s death, his friend Donato Giancola completed some of the unfinished works of the magnificent and subtle sensory painter of the fantasy worlds Keith Parkinson.

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