Cossack levada by Sergey Vasilkovsky

Cossack levada by Sergey Vasilkovsky

The well-known master of landscape, Russian and Ukrainian painter is Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich. Having graduated with high achievements of the Academy of Arts, he received permission to travel to other countries. He visited Germany, England, Africa, Spain, Italy, for some time he lived in France. But most of his paintings are devoted to his native places. One of the brightly memorable works is the canvas “Cossack Lion”.

The picture shows the most typical view for his native Ukraine. High mighty trees, endless fields and spacious meadows, overgrown with thick grass. A small lake of water, near which there are two powerful oxen. One is light gray in color, and the other is red.

A little behind them, on the right side, under the dark age-old tree are silhouettes of people. They look after their dignity. After all, at that time, the oxen were considered a symbol of prosperity in the family, since with the help of them the land was cultivated. The author in his painting even pushed the man to the background, thus showing that the animal is more important. It has always been close to the person from childhood to death.

Also, the artist, along with the oxen, showed the beauty of the nature of that time. A beautiful light sky is covered with light clouds and sunlight. A mighty thick forest is slightly covered with fog. Beautiful dense grass in the fields. All this shows the author’s love for his Motherland. With what trembling and tenderness all details are traced. Everything is bright, colorful and realistic. In our time it’s hard to find such beauty, untouched by time.