

Icon of the festive row of the iconostasis. The original detail of the iconography – Velum is not thrown between the buildings, as usual, but hangs from the turret top of the turret.

A rare configuration is the image of the sky. The coloring of the icon gives out its Vologda origin. An important role in it is played by indigo paint placed on a greenish-blue substrate, and similar to the Vologda icon painting, green paint and brown beauty with a purple can opener.

It is common for the Vologda icon and a very yellow gilding gauze, with an orangeish-yellow substrate. Types of faces and their writing are also typical for Vologda. The elegance and ease of modeling on the garments of the archangel are combined: planar colorful masonry on most of the surface. With fluency and some simplicity of work in general, the master made expressive faces of the characters. It is felt that the icon was part of a large ensemble.

The icon is a typical example of products located somewhere on the Vologda lands of the icon painting workshop, which created complexes of works for the iconostasis of local parish and monastery churches. An artistic monument of museum value, interesting for the history of Russian culture in the second half of the 16th century.

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