A clear autumn evening by Igor Grabar

A clear autumn evening by Igor Grabar

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar known in the history of Russian art as a remarkable painter, museum figure, an outstanding teacher and architect. Each of his work emits positive energy and creative activity.

In his paintings, one always sees an optimistic perception of life. All of his landscapes are bright, bright, they raise the spirit and mood to the viewer. It is this mood that permeates the picture “A Clear Autumn Evening”. Nothing gloomy and rainy, despite the autumn.

Bright blue and clear sky, green grass fields, yellow-green leaves of trees and a blue river. Impression that nature does not want to leave summer, and autumn does not hurry to advance. Sharp color overflows and contrast make the picture more realistic and lively. The landscape is very quiet and calm. Probably, the author wanted to pay attention to nature, he did not depict animals and birds.

In the foreground, several young trees lurch lonely from a light autumn breeze. The fall of the leaves was yellow. From the trees on the green grass, a lot of shadows, this tells us that the sun is already starting to set, but everything also shines brightly. From behind the trees you can see a blue-blue river. It sort of divides the field into two parts. The clear blue sky occupies the upper part of the canvas and somewhere far away, it seems, as far as the earth is concerned. From this touch, the field is painted in a light red, slightly noticeable color.

Like all his works, the picture “Clear autumn evening” is full of positive and positive energy. It is bright, bright, colorful. She wants to admire and admire. On it there is no place for impending weeping clouds, gloomy rain and gloomy evening. There is no place for despondency. The author wants to show us that autumn is just one stage in nature, that without gold color there will be no place for green-spring awakening. In nature, everything is fleeting and you need to have time to admire all its beauties.