Miss Lala in the circus of Fernando by Edgar Degas

Miss Lala in the circus of Fernando by Edgar Degas

In 1873 the circus of Fernando began to work in the French capital and almost immediately became one of the most attractive and favorite places for leisure. Speeches circus attracted the attention of not only ordinary Parisians, but also artists. Edgar Degas often visited such representations.

The artist was entranced by the enthusiasm associated with the heat of passion, admired the extraordinary courage and skill of the artists. One of his favorites was Miss Lal’s acrobat, who managed to conquer the hearts of not only the Parisian, but also the London audience with her memorable performances. Her portrait is written in a very unusual perspective: a girl with a rope in her mouth is depicted as if she were seen by a spectator sitting in the hall.

Degas skilfully depicted Lala’s stage costume. Wide smears of silvery-blue paint perfectly convey fringe, and orange-yellow and white tones – voluminous golden embroidery attire.

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