Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

Nighthawks – the most famous painting by American artist Edward Hopper and one of the most recognizable works of art of the United States.

The plot is inspired eatery in Greenwich Village in Manhattan, next door to the house of the artist. Currently in its place is Mulry Square parking lot. Hopper began work on the painting soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor, when throughout the United States to spread a sense of gloom and despondency, passed in the picture. The painting depicts the night visitors diner, immersed in his own thoughts.

The only employee, for a moment, looking up from his own works, looks out the window past clients. Street near the dining room deserted and dark, it covers only the light of the apparently only running at this late hour places. If you look closely, you will notice that there is no visible exit out of this institution, which further pumps the sense of limitation and isolation. Hopper denied that wanted to express it in this picture, but said, “perhaps unconsciously wanted to portray the loneliness in the big city.”

We can not say for sure that it was Hopper planned to say, creating a “night owls”. One thing we know for sure – the combination of plot, perspective, colors and characters has made this picture of this national treasure, which the Americans much pride. Reproduction of “night owls” one time was to be found in virtually every home, and now, this picture does not lose its popularity.

The inspiration for “night owls,” says Hopper, was the “cafe on Greenwich Street, on the corner where two streets meet.” Many have tried to find this place, however, in its intended place is now located a gas station. However, New Yorkers, this fact has not stopped. Considering Hopper painting one of the most outstanding works of contemporary American art and Flariton Building – the best place on the form, they organized a three-dimensional installation, which on the one hand is the ad-supported Whitney exhibition held in the museum, and on the other as if the painting revives.

“Night owls” are the only Hopper canvas, which shows the curved part of the window glass and the glass which generally becomes visible. The painting “Night owls” had a great influence on American culture. Allusions and parodies of it are found in many paintings, movies, books and songs.

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