Worship with Saint Bernard and the Infant John the Baptist by Fra Philippe

Worship with Saint Bernard and the Infant John the Baptist by Fra Philippe

Fra Philippe belongs to the great masters of the Florentine school. The formation of the artist was greatly influenced by the work of Masaccio, P. da Mazolino, Fra Angelico, with whom Lippi has in common the lyrical principle and religiosity inherent in their works.

In this case, the artist gave a new interpretation of traditional images and subjects. In his works there are festive scenes in which the contemporaries of the artist participate, the actions sometimes unfold on city streets, and the image of the Madonna acquires the features of a graceful young Florentine.

The artist was born in Florence. In 1421 he joined the monastic order of the Carmelites. As a painter, Fra Philipp was known in the early 1430s. Master worked in Florence, Padua, Prato. In 1456, Fra Philipp was appointed prior to the convent of Site Margherita in Prato. Here he met the novice Lucrezia Buti, who impressed his poetic soul.

Prior kidnapped beloved with his sister. In 1461 he was freed by Pope Pius II from the monastic vow. Lucretia and Philip had a son, Filippino, who inherited from his father the gift of a painter. His teacher was the former student of Phillip Lippi – Sandro Botticelli. Other famous works: “Madonna with Child and Angel.” The end of the 1450s. Uffizi Gallery, Florence; “Madonna and Child and scenes from the life of Mary”. 1452. Palazzo Pitti, Florence.