The canvas “In arable, Spring” – one of the most famous paintings by Venetsianov – was written shortly after “Gumna”. Its name changed with time: “Woman, harrowing field,” then –

The canvas “In arable, Spring” – one of the most famous paintings by Venetsianov – was written shortly after “Gumna”. Its name changed with time: “Woman, harrowing field,” then –
The painting “The Sleeping Shepherd Boy” is one of the most poetic creations of Venetsianov. The artist with particular warmth and lyrical elation portrayed the peasant children. The purity and
In this picture, Venetsianov creates a vivid and convincing image of a Russian peasant woman, full of high poetry and truth. Laconism of the composition gives the work a monumental,
Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov – the pioneer of everyday genre in Russian painting. The theme of his work was the consonance of the world of nature and peasant life, poeticized and
Bathers – the very first test of Venetsianov in a new area of painting for him – the image of a naked body. The plot itself is quite traditional –
Portraits always paid special attention to the audience. After carefully considering them, you can better understand human nature. This practice will be useful not only for psychoanalysts. But to everyone.
This picture was exhibited at the same exhibition as “Gumno”. Her Venetsianov presented as a gift to the Emperor Alexander I. In those years – under the imperial patronage –
The canvas of an outstanding artist Venetsianov is full of mysteries: who is this girl and when was her portrait painted. The answer to the first question was not found.
Venetsianov managed to show here the inner world of a peasant girl. Before us – the existing character, moreover, the personality. It captivates not only charm and beauty, moral purity,
“Reapers” is another example, confirming the significance of the image of the Russian peasant for Venetsianov. Similar peasants and the topic of harvest can be seen in many of his
Alexei Venetsianov was very gifted, however, only he did not rely on his gift. Even from his youth, the young man aspired to learn the artistry. First he studied independently,
The painting “In the harvest, Summer” belongs to those masterpieces that have an enduring value and to this day deliver a true aesthetic pleasure to the audience. This is truly