The Cossack Mamai is a famous Cossack who goes around the world and helps people in trouble, fights for the truth and does not spare the offenders. In many houses

The Cossack Mamai is a famous Cossack who goes around the world and helps people in trouble, fights for the truth and does not spare the offenders. In many houses
A portrait of Andrei Besyaschy – Andrei Matveyevich Apraksin, the brother of Queen Marfa Matveyevna, is included in the series of portraits of the participants of the “Most Gravitant Most
The mosaic portrait was executed in the workshop of M. V. Lomonosov, who in the second half of the 1740s began working as a glass technologist and mosaic artist. Having
The Flemish artist, whose name has not yet been precisely identified, worked at the court of the dukes of Bourbon and expressed in his work the peculiarities of the art
Portrait of a man in red In the official court painting, the first place belonged to the front portrait. It was in this genre that the search for two centuries
Fontainebleau is a city located south of Paris. Here, Francis I, the king of France, the famous patron saint of Leonardo da Vinci, built a castle. Rosso Fiorentino, Nicolai del
From a series of portraits of participants of the “Most Beloved Most Crazy Cathedral of the Most Comfortable Prince-Pope”. Sample portrait painting of the XVII century with its inherent features,
The ceremonial bust of Peter, made like the busts of Roman emperors, was performed in the process of working on the monument to the emperor, for whose creation Rastrelli was
The Fayum portrait is a real miracle in the history of art. Created many centuries ago, he brought to us the “living” images of people in whom, in the era
The icon with the images of the Old Testament Prophets Solomon and Ezekiel was originally placed in the iconostasis, which in the Russian Orthodox Church separates the altar from the