The picture illustrates the gospel parable. Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a householder, who went out early in the morning to hire workers in his vineyard and arranged a denarius for them a day. During the day, right up to the evening, the owner went out a few more times and hired those who stood idle, promising to reward the labors.
In the evening, he ordered the steward to settle with the workers, “starting from the last to the first.” The latter received a denarius, like everyone else, including those who endured the day and the heat. Those who came first began to grumble, but the owner reminded them of persuasion and reproached them: “So will the last be the first and the first the last.”
The meaning of the parable is that even the last believers will be saved. Despite the delightful color, the picture is not finished. Apparently, it was stored in order to be used as a sample by the students of Rembrandt.