Saskia was from a rich family with claims of aristocracy, and Rembrandt was the son of a miller, with whom the Saskia family didn’t really want to intermarry.
In the anger of the righteous on people’s vulgarity, the artist painted a picture on a biblical theme – how Samson threatened his beloved father. Rembrandt self-portrayed himself in the form of Samson, showing his fist. .) But the meaning was far from the legends. “Give me Saskia!” – he demanded…

Related Paintings:
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- Samson menace son beau-père – Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn Saskia était issue d’une famille riche ayant des prétentions à l’aristocratie, et Rembrandt était le fils d’un meunier, avec qui la famille Saskia ne voulait pas vraiment être liée. Dans...
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