The Court of Paris by Sandro Botticelli

The Court of Paris by Sandro Botticelli

The artist depicted a mythological plot. Paris is a Trojan prince. Shortly before his birth, his mother, Hecuba, dreamed that she gave birth to a fire, and the prophets will say that she will have a son, and he will ruin his native city of Troy. Therefore, the newborn was immediately thrown on Mount Ida to be eaten by wild beasts.

However, Paris was guarded by the gods, and he was nurtured by a bear. The boy was found by a shepherd who raised him in his house with his children. Young Paris stood out among his peers with strength, intelligence and beauty. Once the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis threw guests an apple with the inscription “the most beautiful.” Because of this, a dispute arose between the Hero, Athena and Aphrodite. The goddess turned to Zeus, so he decided who should get the apple. Zeus sent the goddesses to Mount Ida, where his herds of Paris were grazed. He had to decide which of the goddesses deserves the title “the most beautiful.”

Each of the goddesses tried to persuade Paris to their side: Hera offered power and wealth, Athena – wisdom and military glory, Aphrodite – the most beautiful woman on earth as a wife. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite.