Still Life with Plaster Cast by Paul Cezanne

Still Life with Plaster Cast by Paul Cezanne

In the history of painting Cezanne – one of the few, sprinkled as conviction and reverence by the greatest artists of his time and followers. He opened a new era: his mature works produced irreversible effects on the formation of artistic vision in modern painting. Creativity Paul Cezanne changed the face of art of XX century.

Cezanne painted still lifes throughout his creative life, but he paid special attention to this genre in the period from 1883 to 1895 years, when he created 59 paintings of this genre. After overcoming the status of second-class, after the genre of still life by Cezanne became a full expression of the artistic vision of many of the greatest masters of the XX century.

Arguing on still lifes, Cezanne claimed to have found “the perfect formula.” Color and building forms for him inseparable and this side, the most developed of them, where the persistent quest really done a great master Cezanne.

Fruits Cezanne – an object for contemplation. It defines each subject, each color spot the place in joyous harmony portrayed. Complexity not how it felt. The artist invented in watercolor painting and practice your own style. Often simple objects – apples, lopsided pitchers, cups – in still life by Paul Cezanne coexist with drapes that give flexibility and movement composition.

Apples are the focus of the artist for a number of reasons. They are not only beautiful in color, but in comparison with other fruits varied. Its magnetically I attracted to the simplicity and perfection of form. Cezanne strove to reach the fundamental principles of nature values primarily on simple examples. “I am stunned Paris for its apples,” – said Cezanne, meeting Zheffrua.

According Zhoashima Gasquet, Cezanne and Zola’s friendship started from apples. In gratitude for the intercession of Zola Cezanne gave a basket of apples. “Here they are apples from Cezanne! They date back to ancient times. “

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