Still Life with a Stage for Visiting Christ Maria and Martha in the Background by Artsen Peter

Still Life with a Stage for Visiting Christ Maria and Martha in the Background by Artsen Peter

History of the Netherlands art Artsen Peter entered as one of the founders of the genre of everyday life. The artist was born in Amsterdam and studied with the Dutch painter A. Klass, then worked in Antwerp, where in 1535 he received the title of master.

Later, Artsen again moved to Amsterdam and did not leave him until the end of his days. In the paintings on domestic themes, the artist made the protagonists of commoners. Traders, cooks, peasants – contemporaries of the artist – are busy with their profession.

Laconic works with large-scale figures in the foreground are the best works of Artsen. The still lifes of the painter look quite different. An example of this is the work presented. Colorful, plentiful food, frank in its naturalism – fresh meat, fruit, cheese – it seems that the whole space is filled with food, dishes and “random” items. But in the background, in the background, one can see the flickering fire of the hearth, the figures of Christ and two women listening to him, and on the left – attentively listening to two male figures as if penetrating to the center.

This small ascetic scene in the depths of the picture attracts the viewer’s attention and looks more harmonious and more significant abundance of dishes. Other famous works: “The Cook”. 1559. Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Brussels; “Game dealer”. Hermitage, St. Petersburg.