Still life. Wildflowers by Alexander Gerasimov

Still life. Wildflowers by Alexander Gerasimov

I think that the artist Gerasimov, you can call one of the talented. My attention was drawn to the painting “Still Life: Field Flowers”, in which vases are depicted in bouquets, collected from flowers, which were collected in the fields. The mirror in the background, as it increases the space of the room, reflecting objects, and the flowers becomes twice as large.

I love wild flowers, and it does not matter whether they are in a vase or painted in a picture. They remind me of summer. My mother calls a daisy a magical flower, on which one can guess, tearing off the petal behind the petal. The bluish tablecloth seems velvety to me. A golden candlestick near the mirror says that in this house are not poor people. The artist was able to convey the whole comfort of what is happening around.

The light that breaks through the flowers is not bright, he contrasts the flowers, making them even more expressive and contrasting. The plot of this still life can be invented by everyone. At the sight of this work I imagined that all these wild flowers were gathered by children, walking along the meadow or returning from the stream. And it is necessary that there would be four children, as there are 4 vases, and each one had to have a special bouquet. And I’m one of those children who collected a bouquet, and let my bouquet consist of only chamomiles that stand in a dark vase.

Gerasimov can realistically depict the flowers of chamomile, cornflower, as well as maple and oak leaves. When you look at the picture, you want to approach it and sniff each flower, as if they are real. But at approach I feel only a smell of oil paints. I also think that having chosen for his still life, the artist wanted to show or emphasize the vastness of Russia, because these flowers are considered to be the symbol of the vastness of fields, the breadth of the survey. Those fields, which you want to run and do not stop.