St. George and the Dragon by Lucas Cranach

St. George and the Dragon by Lucas Cranach

“St. George and the Dragon.” In Christianity, St. George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints, the Cappadocian warrior, who in the second century adopted the Cappadocia. n. e. martyrdom for the confession of Christianity. According to legend, after the death of St. George, he appeared on the ground to kill a monstrous dragon who devoured people in the territory of modern Lebanon, which later became a favorite subject of icon painters.

The picture is very decorative and colorful. Landscape with mountain heights and fortresses, storm clouds. George in the costume of a knight, on his helmet fluttering feathers. The horse under the rider – in a smart harness and jumps playfully… The serpent is defeated and is no longer terrible. There is no heroism hurling over the edge, courage. St. George calmly and dispassionately does his business, for which he appeared on the ground…