Siege of San Leo by Giorgio Vasari

Siege of San Leo by Giorgio Vasari

The voluminous multifigured composition, typical for the painting of Mannerism in the interpretation of Vasari, is filled with numerous symbolic figures and images, as always. The very image of the castle on Mount Montefeltro, which for many centuries was considered impregnable, is covered with legends, because it originated in the place of an ancient Roman temple and even 2 years was the capital of Italy in the 10th century. It was in this impressive castle that the great Giuseppe Cagliostro died.

The canvas depicts the moment of the siege of the fortress in 1516 by the troops of Florence under the leadership of Antonio Ricasoli. Events unfold on a wide panoramic background. The entire backdrop of the canvas is a distant mountainous landscape bordering two provinces – Emilia-Romagna and Marche.

In the distance, numerous castles are visible, and in the center on a rocky summit with steep slopes rises the stronghold – the castle of San Leo. It is surrounded on all sides by suitable Florentine troops – foot soldiers with huge flags and horsemen in picturesque spectacular attires and armor.

Interest is caused by figures in the foreground. He is a middle-aged gray-haired man with a huge figured pitcher, a naked little child standing next to him and a young woman lying in full growth.

Unlike fully dressed in modern fashion fashion soldiers, this group is half-naked, except for light colored draperies, as in ancient times. The picture is interesting by careful study of details, numerous figures and details of the landscape, pleasant saturated, but not variegated color scale.

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