Seny. Ligachevo by Konstantin Yuon

Seny. Ligachevo by Konstantin Yuon

Seni is a cold attached corridor in front of the entrance to the village hut. The artist painted a canopy and a bare young girl with buckets and a yoke in her hands. She is dressed in a simple dark skirt and a white sweater, a scarf on her head. The girl smiles, it feels that this work is pleasant to her, and she is not a burden to her.

With convincing authenticity, the artist conveys the surrounding situation: the log wall of the hut, the wooden walls of the porch, the crevice of the boardwalk. To the right of the wall there is a staircase to the attic, on the wall there is a hanging basin. On the left, on the wooden bench, some boxes, buckets, shovels, other items necessary for the household were piled up.

Behind the girl’s back is an open door, in which a sunny summer day is visible, a fence, a garden. The sunlight illuminates part of the wall and floor at the entrance. The picture is very simple, simple, it causes a feeling of peace and tranquility.