Self-portrait of 1484 by Albrecht Durer

Self portrait of 1484 by Albrecht Durer

On a rectangular sheet of thick rough paper, the boy pictured himself half-turned. When you look at this self-portrait, you feel that it is painted by a hand, which not the first time took a pencil. The picture was made almost without amendments, immediately and boldly. The face on the portrait is serious, focused. With the softness of features, it reminds the father. The look is very young, perhaps, the boy will not give thirteen years. He has childishly plump lips, smoothly outlined cheeks, but not childlike eyes. In the view there is some strangeness: it seems that it is turned inside of itself.

The picture was made almost without amendments, immediately and boldly. The face on the portrait is serious, focused. With the softness of features, it reminds the father. The look is very young, perhaps, the boy will not give thirteen years. He has childishly plump lips, smoothly outlined cheeks, but not childlike eyes. In the view there is some strangeness: it seems that it is turned inside of itself.

The picture is made with a silver pencil. Pressed stick of silver powder falls on the paper with a soft stroke. But the stroke can not be erased or corrected – the hand of the artist must be firm. Maybe the non-childish seriousness and concentration in the person – from the difficulty of an almost impossible task. Albrecht Durer – Jr. coped with it surprisingly. A young man, a teenager, almost a child on this self-portrait is interesting to us. Even if we do not know that he is a future great artist. I want to understand what he thinks about when he peers at himself.

It’s hard to believe that he painted his first self-portrait at the age of 13, before he started painting. Several decades later, the children’s drawing caught the eye of the master. He did not laugh at him as if he were immature experience, but inscribed in the upper right corner: “It was I who painted myself in the mirror in 1484, when I was still a child.” Albrecht Duper. “