Madonna and Child by Albrecht Durer

Madonna and Child by Albrecht Durer

Madonna Durer – most often young, charming, with a soft face, with gentle lips, with pensively half-closed eyes. The image repeats, varies, changes, Maria looks younger or older, but in many works – this is the same woman. When you peer into its incarnations, it seems – they all go back to the real image.

Where, when Durer met a living prototype of his Mary? This we do not know. His brethren and contemporaries often painted and painted in the image of the Madonna his wife. But there is not the slightest resemblance between Agnes Durer, how he captured her on a few drawings in his youth and in his mature years, and the way he portrayed Maria.

We almost do not know anything about Durer’s personal life, but we see that a certain female image is constantly passing, turning into Maria, through many years of the artist’s life, exciting us with her lively charm and, perhaps, a mystery connected with it.

Maria in Durer’s works very often – happy, calm. She does not yet know what awaits her son. Whether she is playing with him, holding him on his knees, amusing him with a pear – she is beautiful. A child – a real kid with a large round head, with puffy arms and legs in the neck, most often naked. A living, earthly human child.

To create such an image of a baby, one must observe children and paint them endlessly. And most importantly – to love. A man who believes, he deifies not an abstract religious idea, but a mother who gives life to a new man, nurturing, nurturing him, deifies Motherhood – the great guarantee of the immortality of the human race…

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