Self-portrait by Hans von Aachen

Self portrait by Hans von Aachen

Self-portrait of the German artist Hans von Aachen. The size of the painting is 45 x 32 cm, oil, canvas. Painter, draftsman and engraver of the period of Mannerism Hans Von Aachen was born in 1552 in the German city of Cologne. He painted pictures of religious and mythological genre, as well as magnificent psychological portraits in a realistic style.

Widespread distribution of the manner of painting by artist Hans von Aachen in northern and central Europe was served by his own engravings, also engravings of his paintings, made by other masters. In addition, the artist received the recognition of contemporaries, as a subtle and talented draftsman.

Hans von Aachen’s drawings are now kept in many museums around the world, “Diana and Actaeon”, “Salome”, “Moses” and the largest collection of drawings by artist Hans von Aachen are kept in the Louvre. Hans Aachen’s paintings are rightfully the pride of the Hermitage collection, the Art and Historical Museum of the Paul Getty Museum, the National Gallery, the Old Pinakothek, the Art Museum, the Art Gallery, the Picture Gallery and other museums around the world.

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