Savoyar by Vasily Perov

Savoyar by Vasily Perov

During his trip to Europe, Perov worked hard. Inspiration as if left him. Each smear was given with difficulty. Once in a strange environment for him, the artist tries to study the manners and customs. He is a frequenter of fairs and festivities. He is drawn by the characters of the streets and squares: organ-grinders, wandering jugglers, acrobats and dancers.

During one of these “trips to the people” a small Savoyard caught his eye. This is how European stray musicians were called in Europe who roamed with the same flute and trained groundhog around cities and villages of the rich countries of the continent. Before us is a very young tramp. The artist managed to convey the extreme degree of exhaustion of the child, the difficult fate and tragedy of life itself. Tired pants, worn shoes.

In the hands of a broken flute – the result of a collision with competitors in street entertainment. The faithful marmot, hungry and exhausted no less than the owner, clung to the boy to at least somehow warm up. The hat, intended more to collect the “fee”, is empty. So today make a couple of poor fellows failed.

Powerful pavement and high pavement emphasize the fragility and defenselessness Savoyard. A faded handkerchief tied around the neck of a small artist is the only thing that gives him an affiliation to the artistic workshop. Disheveled hair, pallor, half-smile, inspired by a happy dream – make the viewer’s heart burst from sympathy and pain for the fate of the boy in a cruel world.

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