Roses, tulips, dolphin, peonies and daffodils in a vase by Charles-Joseph Nowd

Roses, tulips, dolphin, peonies and daffodils in a vase by Charles Joseph Nowd

In spite of the fact that the strict aesthetics of the French Enlightenment, the genre of still life, in general, did not complain and it was attributed to the “low” genres of fine art, a rare artist of that time, not to mention the later eras, did not try his hand at it. Yes, and sin is not inspired by fresh flowers, miraculous miracle of their beauty and charm. Here and the French artist Charles-Joseph Nowd in 1882 in one of the paintings tried to impress the audience with a variety of floral world.

When you look at this picture, you are amazed how photographically accurate, carefully and carefully all details are written out, almost physiologically you feel the fragrance and aroma of such a rich bouquet, where in one vase there are roses, tulips, daffodils, and peonies, and even more exotic delphinium.

Node’s artistic style is extremely far from impressionistic, although the popularity of impressionism at that time was in full swing. It is precisely the clarity, not the blurriness of the lines, that is of particular importance for connoisseurs of painting – first of all for those who are brought up in the classics and do not tolerate any modernist experiments.

One can argue about whether the dignity resembles a striking resemblance to a real bouquet, but one cannot deny an artist of filigree craftsmanship.