Return from Egypt by Jacob Jordaens

Return from Egypt by Jacob Jordaens

Painting of the Flemish painter Jacob Jordaens “Return from Egypt”. The size of the painting is 63 x 50 cm, canvas, oil. Along with the painting “Holy Family”, this canvas is one of the earliest works of the painter. Full name of the painting by Jacob Jordaens “Return of the Holy Family from the Egyptian Lands.”

The traditions of the flight and the return from Egypt of the holy family are related to the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah. In Byzantine and Old Russian writing there are many news about the details of the flight to Egypt. These are: the news of Palladius about the church in Yermopolis; the news of Sozomen about the high tree that the Gentiles worshiped, and which, together with the demon in it, shook when Jesus Christ appeared; On the attack of the robbers on their way to the holy family.

Ancient monuments of Western European art and medieval artists in frescoes, in miniatures of manuscripts and in sculpture, fitted images of the holy family during travel to Egyptian lands and back with details of apocryphal origin.

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