The plot of Ilya Repin’s The Procession of the Cross in Kursk Province was a procession – the transfer of a miraculous icon from one temple to another, accompanied by
Portrait of N. I. Pirogov by Ilya Repin
At a time when the anniversary of the professional activity of the great Russian surgeon and scientist was celebrated on a large scale in Moscow, Ilya Repin wanted to paint
Wandering haulers by Ilya Repin
Pictures of Ilya Repin have their own amazing story. The artist carefully prepared the sketches and sketches for the paintings, so sometimes it took more than one year to work
Resurrection of the daughter of Jairus by Ilya Repin
The plot of the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus is dedicated to the painting by Ilya Repin, “Resurrection of the daughter of Jairus”. It was difficult for him to
Seeing a Recruit by Ilya Repin
There is no such person who would not know the name of the great Russian artist I. Repin. His paintings adorn the collections of the most famous museums, and the
Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov by Ilya Repin
Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov is the founder of an art gallery, patron of arts, a successful entrepreneur. Many artists liked to communicate with him, he was a wonderful kind and modest
Reading girl by Ilya Repin
Some claim that Repin’s sister-in-law is depicted on the canvas. If you look at the picture more closely, you will immediately see that it was from this canvas that Repin
Nun by Ilya Repin
The model was Sophia Alekseevna Repin, the sister of the artist’s wife. According to the memoirs of L. A. Shevtsova-Spore, the nieces of V. A. Repina, I. Ye. Repin, first
Negro Woman by Ilya Repin
The painting was executed by Repin during his stay in Paris as a pensioner at IAH. In the work one feels the passion for the work of the famous Spanish
On the turf bench by Ilya Repin
Ilya Efimovich Repin – an outstanding Russian artist. He created many magnificent paintings that are stored in many collections of museums and private collections. The artist painted several paintings dedicated
Portrait of L. N. Tolstoy by Ilya Repin
L. N. Tolstoy Repin wrote several times. But the most successful of all turned out to be a portrait, painted in 1887, in Yasnaya Polyana, in just three days. This
Portrait of A. P. Bogolyubov by Ilya Repin
Saratov State Art Museum. A. N. Radishcheva, Saratov “Bogolyubov is a great person, there is a lot of simplicity, frankness, youthful fervor” – these words of young Repin vividly characterize
Self-immolation of Gogol by Ilya Repin
Known picture Repin: “Self-immolation of Gogol.” In the end, each viewer adds something of his own to the work of painting, and it is impossible to prove that he sees
Portrait of A. G. Rubinstein by Ilya Repin
Portraits of famous people, who in our time are a model of hard work and talent, those who left the cultural heritage for many generations to come, will always be
L. N. Tolstoy on vacation in the forest by Ilya Repin
Repin painted portraits of Tolstoy many times. In 1891, he depicted a writer lying with a book under a tree, in Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy lies in a cozy place, under