Red Square in the second half of the XVII century by Apollinarius Vasnetsov

Red Square in the second half of the XVII century by Apollinarius Vasnetsov

The architectural historical landscape is inextricably linked with man. And people, as a rule, do not seem to have any extras at Vasnetsov: they are so alive and natural, their appearance is convincing, revealing to a certain extent their inner state, feelings, mood. This is what the artist himself said about the specifics of his many years of work on recreating the historical appearance of ancient Moscow: “Many people ask me: why did I start and get so carried away by old Moscow?

Maybe because I love everything native, folk, and old Moscow – folk art in the life of the past. Perhaps it was also the fact that when I found myself in Moscow in 1878 after a village life in the village of Bystrica, the place of my teaching activity, I was struck by the sight of Moscow, of course, mainly by the Kremlin.

He lived near him, on Ostozhenka, and his favorite walks after work were “circling near the Kremlin”; I admired his towers, walls and cathedrals. But perhaps the main reason was that I generally love science: collect material, classify facts, study them, etc., in this case facts of archaeological significance. All this, probably, was the main reason why for me, who are interested in art, it is written on me: “Old Moscow”.

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