Portrait of the ballerina O. V. Lepeshinskaya by Alexander Gerasimov

Portrait of the ballerina O. V. Lepeshinskaya by Alexander Gerasimov

Possessing impeccable technique, Lepeshinskaya knew how to reflect in her every image created on the ballet scene her own, lively, sparkling character.

The artist finds the ballerina at the time of rehearsal. The heroine stood for a moment in front of the audience in a typical dance room – it stands on pointes, hands are lowered to a ballet tutu, the head is slightly turned aside, as if prepared for the next exit to the middle of the rehearsal room. Another moment – and the ballerina will continue the dance. Her eyes are burning, she is full of inspiration and love for her profession.

In the picture, traditional representativeness is combined with a new look at creative activity. Dance in the life of a ballerina is the highest meaning of her existence.

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