Portrait of Metropolitan Anthony by AA Karelin

Portrait of Metropolitan Anthony by AA Karelin

The first drawing skills, the basics of painting and photography Andrei Andreyevich Karelin received from his father, the world-famous photographer, master of painting Andrei Karelin.

The artist’s artistic heritage is mainly historical paintings and portraits. Metropolitan Anthony was captured by the artist in a chamber, home setting, only the marble head of the Savior in the crown of thorns hints at the religious status of the model, standing in a corner on the column.

With photographic precision, Karelin writes out the face and pensive eyes of the metropolitan, carefully draws out every hair of a gray beard. The secular and ecclesiastical awards – Panagia, the pectoral cross of the spiritual leader – testify to the recognition and respect of his affairs by the state and the church. Vladyka was distinguished by modesty and diligence, he was a patient and kindly person, situated to all the suffering.

His numerous spiritual books are known. Metropolitan also was engaged in the description of manuscripts and early printed books of the Solovetsky Monastery.

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