In the Garden of Gethsemane, leaving disciples, Jesus withdrew to pray: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.”
The atmosphere of the alarming foreboding of impending disaster is transferred in the picture of the Spanish artist El Greco “Passion in the Garden.”
Moonlight night. Dark stormy sky. The vortex currents of the wind bent to the ground small trees and shrubs. On the right – the guards with swords and spears are inexorably approaching. To the left are the unsuspecting sleeping disciples of Christ. Against this background, in the center of the picture, the artist captured the figure of Christ, humbly standing in prayer on his knees.
His gaze is turned to heaven, in a transparent and shining cloud, a wonderful angel with a cup in his hand descends to him. Color tones are intended to emphasize the main semantic accents of the picture.