On the island of Valaam by Ivan Shishkin

On the island of Valaam by Ivan Shishkin

Shishkin repeatedly turned to the beauty of the holy island of Valaam in his work. Severe northern nature, one of the spiritual centers of Orthodoxy, the very isolation of this corner from the earth – all attracted the master of the landscape.

In the picture “On the island of Valaam” we have an island in the twilight. In the distance you can see the bell tower of the monastery cathedral, surrounded by an ancient forest. Moonlight, flooding the landscape, emphasizes its stark monotony, simplicity and artlessness. The monastery cathedral triumphs over nature, being distinguished by its whiteness and grandeur.

Dark, muffled tones, fuzzy outlines perfectly convey the severity of the Valaam evening, and the moonlight gives the landscape a mystery… It seems that it was here on the island of Valaam that the world of Gorniy and the world of the Earth merged, and this unification gave rise to that amazing great harmony that fills the picture with an atmosphere of peace and quiet.