Madonna with baby and pear by Albrecht Durer

Madonna with baby and pear by Albrecht Durer

“Madonna and Child with a Pear” – one of the most perfect creations of the great master of the Northern Renaissance. The young mother looks with love and tenderness at the baby, who plays with a cut pear. The child is depicted in a complex foreshortening, his figure is deployed to the viewer. And only the proportions of the baby resemble the painting of the Middle Ages.

In this composition there are no unnecessary details, everything is subordinated to a single concept. On a dark background a charming young woman with a baby. Her lovely face is covered with a transparent shawl, from beneath which gold hair is flowing. The blue dress creates a background on which the child is clearly identified – the composition center of the picture. Everything is very harmonious and sublime-beautiful.

The color scale is refined. Golden-buffy tones prevail, amplified by the dark background of the whole picture. The most delicate colors are the face of Madonna. Unearthly radiance around the baby’s head is done very delicately – the source of light is not indicated anywhere, but the hair shines, hence the halo appears.