The book of books, that is, the Holy Scripture – the Bible, which is divided into two unequal and stylistically uneven parts – the Old and New Testament, is replete

The book of books, that is, the Holy Scripture – the Bible, which is divided into two unequal and stylistically uneven parts – the Old and New Testament, is replete
Masaccio in the mid 1420s a cycle of frescoes was ordered for the Brancacci Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence, describing the life of St..
In the mature years of creativity, Lippi wrote polyptychs for the altar of the Barbadori Chapel in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Florence. In this work, he managed
Filippino Lippi – Italian Renaissance painter, master of the Florentine school, a student of Sandro Botticelli, and some researchers consider his talent more powerful. This altar was written for the
Hermitage Tondo with a Scene Adoration of the Infant Christ “is an excellent work by Filippino Lippi, a typical example of the art of the medical school. The foreground group
The extraordinarily inspired art of Beato Angelico influenced his pupil Filippo Lippi. But unlike the teacher, aspiring to the sky with his soul, he saw on the earth a reflection
By the end of the 15th century, in Florentine art, in parallel with the confident gait of the classical style, a different, opposite tendency emerges, which is characterized by a