The portrait of Ursula Mnishek was painted at the zenith of the artist’s skill and fame. The oval was rare in the portrait practice of DG Levitsky, however it was

The portrait of Ursula Mnishek was painted at the zenith of the artist’s skill and fame. The oval was rare in the portrait practice of DG Levitsky, however it was
The portrait belongs to the series of portraits of Smolyanok – pupils of the Smolny Institute of noble maidens, written by the artist commissioned by the emperors Catherine II. The
The portrait belongs to the series of portraits of Smolyanok – pupils of the Smolny Institute of noble maidens, written by the artist commissioned by the emperors Catherine II. Molchanova
“Smolyanka” Catherine Nelidova captured in her best role – the servants of the Serbians from the Pergolesi opera “The Maid – Mistress”, which describes how a clever maid managed to
Lvov Nikolai Alexandrovich.3.1751, Nikolskoye-Cherenchitsa estate, near Torzhok, now Kalinin Oblast, – 21 or 22.12.1803, Moscow), Russian architect and architecture theorist, graphic artist, poet, musician, inventor. Educated mainly self-taught; I studied
D. G. Levitsky wrote this portrait by order of Catherine II Lanskaya Alexander Dmitrievich, the favorite of Catherine II, lieutenant-general, adjutant-general, real chamberlain. The son of a poor Smolensk landowner
When creating the portrait, the artist managed to grasp the most essential in the character of the model: irony, secularism and, at the same time, restraint of nature, expressed in
The order for the portrait came from the president of the Academy of Arts, I. I. Betsky, an authorized representative of Catherine II. The recognition of D. G. Levitsky, which
Fedor Grigorievich Orlov, General-in-Chief, One of five brothers who rose to the fore in Catherine II. He was brought up together with his brothers in the Gentry Cadet Corps, still
The portrait depicts the brother of the artist, the priest Peter Levitsky. The work was written at the latest stage of the master’s work, when the glory of the largest
In the numerous family of the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich Protasov, she was engaged in the upbringing of the great princesses – his daughters. In the Hermitage there is a
The order for the portrait of N. A. Sezemov came from the president of the Academy of Arts, I. I. Betsky, a confidant of Catherine II. Nikifor Artemyevich Sezemov was
Levitsky always valued in the front portrait the opportunity to show the greatness of a man, to extol his public virtues. The hero of this portrait is not just a
The portrait is executed with masterly skill, marked by vivid expressiveness. The artist psychologically convincingly draws his model. Mark Fedorovich Poltoratsky – the son of the cathedral archpriest from the
By the same years, when D. G. Levitsky, at the apogee of his creative uplift, worked on the images of Smolensk, are the first survivors of the master in the
The portrait belongs to the series of portraits of Smolyanok – pupils of the Smolny Institute of noble maidens, written by the artist commissioned by the emperors Catherine II. F.
The impetuous, temperamental, full of fire and liveliness of Borschov, it seems only for a moment she stopped before us. The ease of her movements, passion for dance are in
The second portrait was written when a young woman turned 21, but she looks older than her years. Fatigue is felt in her eyes, bitterness slips into a smile. It
In the portrait Molchanova space is built with the help of two oncoming diagonals. The role of the first is performed by an illuminated figure of a girl sitting in
Praskovya Vorontsova, the youngest daughter of Count Artemy Ivanovich Vorontsov and Countess Praskovya Fedorovna, nee Kvashnina-Samarina, a student of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens, which she graduated with honors.
Maria Alekseevna Dyakova – the daughter of the Chief Prosecutor of the Senate, Alexei Afanasyevich Dyakov and Avdotya Petrovna, nee. Princess Myshetskoy. A portrait of Maria Alekseevny Dyakova, imbued with