Portrait of the architect Alexander Filippovich Kokorinov by Dmitry Levitsky

Portrait of the architect Alexander Filippovich Kokorinov by Dmitry Levitsky

Levitsky always valued in the front portrait the opportunity to show the greatness of a man, to extol his public virtues. The hero of this portrait is not just a famous person, but a statesman, the rector of the Academy of Arts.

Attentive and calm look directed at the viewer. The significance of this man, his true inner greatness, subtly noted by the artist, outweigh the conventional methods of ceremoniality. High artistry can be traced in everything in this portrait, starting from the pose of Kokorinov and his bright face, as well as attracting the viewer’s attention, and ending with amazingly written clothes.

The work clearly shows that Dmitry Levitsky sympathizes with Kokorinov. But there are reasons for this, and the main one is not at all that Levitsky creates a picture for the title of academician. Kokorinov is a talented architect, a noble and highly humane person with broad views, and a wonderful mentor to talented students of the Academy.

Kokorinov stands in a relaxed position, combining elegance and simplicity. As if forgetting himself, he folds back the floor of an expensive caftan and conveniently leans his hand on the back of the chair. Facial expression – affectionate and somewhat dreamy. It has no shade of any secularity, the look is straightforward and simple. But, despite all apparent ease, the viewer clearly understands that he has an outstanding personality, and a real master of his craft and a talented person.

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