Letter out loud by Eugene de Blaas

Letter out loud by Eugene de Blaas

How many of the young today know what the epistolary genre is? And if they do, do they practice it often? All the same, the letters by hand became yesterday’s day as something invisible and, alas, most likely, forever. All these sms, ICQ, Skype, of course, are technically much more perfect, but they do not add warmth and warmth to our communication. But the classics loved and knew how to write letters! Even did it with drafts. Other messages on several pages are real works of art! And what is the language of love! After all, a man, when in love, becomes unusually

Eloquent and inspirational. Touching such an object as a woman is sweet, painful and painful. In short, a love letter is an “eternal” theme for romantic art. Including, and picturesque. Tell me, well, how can an artist indifferently ignore the moment when a woman receives a letter from her beloved? That’s it! Here and little-known now Italian painter of the late XIX century E. de Blaas in the side did not stay.

Italians in general – the nation is quite temperamental, and the “language of love” is perfectly familiar to them. Whom do we see on the canvas called “Letter aloud”? Two young ladies, one of whom made happy the message of the gentleman, and the second – a friend and listener. Of course, the first – a black-eyed and black-browed brown-haired woman with a narrow waist, tightly pulled over the fashion of the time into a corset, looks much happier – a light dreamy half-smile plays on her lips. She’s all – not here, in thoughts – about her beloved. But the facial expression of the second, frankly speaking, is alarming – there is something envious and slippery in it. That and look – say some muck or vulgarity! Perhaps this is only an assumption. But how realistic both look! ..

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