Letter from the front by Alexander Laktionov

Letter from the front by Alexander Laktionov

Laktionov Alexander Ivanovich – national artist, painter, graphic artist. Most of all awards and achievements received for his reproduction “Letter from the front.” This picture appeared on the general review in 1947 and immediately became famous. At the moment she is in a place of honor in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The author in this picture showed that it was just very close and, as they say, it touched everybody who looked at it. On the canvas, we see a small circle of people who have gathered on the threshold of the house and are attentively listening to the boy reading the letter. These are letters from the front. And only the facial expressions with which everyone listens helps us understand that the news is good. Perhaps it says about the upcoming victory and soon returning home.

The boy reading the letter is sitting on a chair in the center of the gathered people. In the house, leaning on the door, on both sides, there is a little girl and a woman. Apparently this is the mother of these children. On the street there is a soldier with a wand. Apparently, it was he who brought the letter from his comrade. And next to him a girl, leaning on the fence, listens to the boy with a sinking heart. Probably, this is a girl who is very much waiting for her lover from the battlefield alive and unharmed.

The painting depicts a beautiful sunny day. The sky is clear and slightly covered with light clouds. The courtyard, where the letter is read, is flooded with sunlight. If it were not for the theme of the canvas, then at first glance no one thought that there was a war, people were dying, destinies were crumbling. Everyone has only one hope for the imminent celebration of victory and the return of their husbands, sons home alive.

The picture “A Letter from the Front” by Alexander Laktionov makes everyone remember those difficult military times. And although there are already few eyewitnesses to those actions, but the story will be forever. We must never forget what was and try hard to prevent it from happening again.