Curious memories of the Tuscan writer Renato Fucini, related to the work of Fattori over this highly expressive canvas, have been preserved. In the autobiographical notes of the Past: Cases and oddities from my life “the writer without false modesty asserted:” A foot in the stirrup “he created from my submission.
Watching once, as he writes a battle scene with a group of fleeing horsemen, I asked him: “And what if in all these attacks and escapades depict one fallen from a horse with a stuck in the stirrup foot?” He looked at me with he did not know what it was like – when the rider falls and his foot remains in the stirrup, he never saw it. “I explained this to him, he liked the idea, and he immediately painted a picture The work mentioned by Fucini as a battle scene with a group fleeing in the gardeners “- this is, in all probability, the explosion of the flask.