– The work belongs to the iconographic type of Affection. The icon is quite close to the “Tenderness of Yaroslavl”, but with a number of differences, the most radical of

– The work belongs to the iconographic type of Affection. The icon is quite close to the “Tenderness of Yaroslavl”, but with a number of differences, the most radical of
According to Dionysius the Areopagite, the archangels belong to the heavenly powers, which are in close proximity to the earthly world and man. The archangel Michael is the head of
The holy martyr doctor Panteleimon was very revered in Russia. He lived at the turn of the III-IV centuries. in Nicomedia. He received the basics of Christian knowledge from his
Favorite by the people plot of Miracle of George about the dragon in the icon is accompanied by images of the most revered Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and Nikola the Miracle-worker. The
According to the evangelical text and the established iconographic scheme, the folk master narrates about the life, death and the bright Resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Reading” the icon, one can
In the center are depicted: the Lord of hosts in glory, with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove in the bosom; lower – Emanuel the Savior, who
In the middle section – the prophet Ilya on Mount Horeb, near the Horavsky spring. To him flies feeding him crows. Above the mountain, Ilya’s Fiery Ascent is depicted. His
Above the cloud, dividing the composition in two, in the red oval mandorla – the Mother of God, stretched out with both hands a white cover. Above her in the
Icons of St. John the Divine in the life are a rarity. Even more rare are the iconic icons of this saint, in the centerpiece of which he is depicted
The icon is a monument of ancient Russian painting of the second half of the XV century. Her style reflects both Novgorod and Moscow traditions Iconography of St. Flora and
This iconographic type, created on Russian soil, was inspired by concrete historical events. Despite the canonical ban to make sculptural images of saints, the carved wooden Nicolas took a place
The icon accurately reproduces the iconography and decorative decoration of the miraculous image of the work of the Reverend Andrei Rublev. His famous salary is an independent work of the
This icon belongs to the hand of a village icon painter. Guided by considerations of practical order, he uses the usual movements of the brush to create an image revered
The icon embodies the main episode of the Passion of the Lord – the Crucifixion. Evangelists describe in sufficient detail the suffering and death of the God-man on the cross
The ancient icon has reached our days with large losses of the paint layer and late alterations. The background, the inventory of the head of the archangel and part of
The icon is unique in the icon of the Jerusalem temple with its open gates and a raised veil, with trees on the facade symbolizing paradise. Rare for its time
The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor is represented in a lengthy version, with the ascending of the mountain and the descending Christ and the apostles. A unique detail
The icon was created at the end of the 19th century, when works of ancient Russian painting were already known in their original form, free from distorting later layers, and
Iosif Semenovich Chirikov belonged to the Mstera elite. His works and works of his studio differed virtuosity of execution. Recently discovered and received in the Armory Chamber, the folding of
The miraculous image of Our Lady of Kazan was revealed in 1579. Brought into the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula, she became famous for many miracles, which are described
Hallmarks: Christ’s preaching in the temple, Healing of the paralytic, Christ’s conversation with the Samaritan woman by the well, Healing the blind. The icon is part of the cycle of