Hecate by William Blake

Hecate by William Blake

Hecate – the goddess of dark forces, darkness and witchcraft. The sorceress, who connects the living world with the world of the dead, she was endowed with immense power. It was believed that at night Hecate wanders among the graves, evoking the phantoms of the dead. To her are the abandoned lovers. Her help was used by Medea to achieve Jason’s love.

In the Shakespearean tragedy “Macbeth” Hecate is one of the actors, the mother of witches. Receiving the placement behind the back of the main character of two figures, facing each other, was later perceived by a Blake fan – Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The painting also has a different interpretation and another name – “Night of Joy of Unitarian”. Eniamont is a character from Blake’s own mythology. On the night of his joy, Enimonimon reveals his false religion.

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