Hakkaizak, Pendant of the Hanged Armor by Utagawa Hiroshige

Hakkaizak, Pendant of the Hanged Armor by Utagawa Hiroshige

In this engraving, Hiroshige shows the distant environs of Edo – the area of Hakkeizak. A beautiful view of the bay opens from the slope of Hakkeizak – Slope Eight species. At the time of Hiroshige, the Tokaido road passed directly along the shore of the Edo Gulf. The Shinagawa station, which was usually escorted by the departing from Edo, was already behind, but there were also a lot of different entertainment establishments, benches, restaurants, and tea shops in this area. The viewer sees them in the foreground of the sheet on the left.

But the main attraction of the Hakkaizak Hill was a huge spreading pine of unusual shape. Unusually it was her name “Yeroykaque-maiu” “Pine of Hanged Armor”. A similar name evoked among the contemporaries of Hiroshige associations associated with the battles fought in this area during the Heian period. According to legend, the commander of Eshiye, stopping here for rest, hung his armor – eroy – on the pine tree.

The late version of the engraving is distinguished by its high decorative and luminous color. A strip of yellow cloud appears in the sky, the transition to the dark strip from above is clearly indicated. Shaded shore of the cliff.

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