Guy playing a swag by A. V. Loganovsky

Guy playing a swag by A. V. Loganovsky

The game of svayku is one of the favorite games of the young men, who tend to measure themselves by strength, dexterity, and eye. The meaning of the game is to make the pile, which resembles the form of a ring, laid on a heavily rammed earth or board, with the first blow to drive into the base. You need to hit the center of the pile so that it enters the ground or the plank, and does not fly off to the side if it is hit incorrectly. Wins the one who from the first blow drives the pile into the base.

The sculpture was executed on the instructions of the Academy of Arts, like a program for a gold medal. A household plot taken from the life of a nation has been reworked according to an academic program. the game. In 1838, the statue was cast from cast iron and installed in Tsarskoe Selo in front of the Alexander Palace.

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