Flowering almond branches by Vincent Van Gogh

Flowering almond branches by Vincent Van Gogh

The painting “Flowering almond branches” was written by Vincent Van Gogh in 1890, the same year the artist died. He had a difficult fate, he was often haunted by setbacks, and by the end of his life he had overcome mental illness. His work was not popular during his life, his work was rejected on the contrary, no one wanted to cooperate with him. He gained fame only after his death, his work became very famous.

To date, Van Gogh – one of the most popular artists, who are recognized everywhere. During his life he changed many places of residence and wrote a large number of paintings, the surviving ones of which are now distributed around the world, some pictures are in Russia.

“Flowering almond branches” was written in the last months of his life, then he was already terminally ill. He wrote this picture in honor of the birth of his brother’s son. This picture is very symbolic, it has a deep meaning. Almond in nature blooms much earlier than other plants, Van Gogh represents this as the birth of a new life.

Paintings of this artist are always filled with many colors, this picture also contains neutral and calm colors. Van Gogh often used yellow shades in his canvases, here this color is absent. The picture is slightly different from the other works of the artist by his performance, he rarely wrote in this style. The sky in the picture is made in turquoise, it looks clear and calm. Blossoming flowers carry happiness and warmth. The composition of the picture is a little strange. The almond branches occupy the whole space of the canvas.

All the lines and brushstrokes in the painting are executed very smoothly and clearly, this is typical of the painting of Vincent Van Gogh. He once told his brother that this is his only picture, which he is really proud of.

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