Etude “Three Hands” by Albrecht Durer

Etude Three Hands by Albrecht Durer

This drawing is in Indian ink, depicting the man’s left hand in various positions, in 1494. Durer always paid special attention to the hands and often painted them, making separate sketches and sketches for his future paintings. The last years of his life the artist devoted to writing a treatise “Four books on the proportions of the human body,” in which much is said about how to properly represent the hands of man.

Among the most famous works of Durer, his drawing “The Hands of the Prayer” takes pride of place, which is an etude to the now lost Geller’s altar image. This amazing work perfectly illustrates the basic principle of Durer, who claimed that the figure should convey “the finest folds and wrinkles of the skin.” Durer’s hands, depicted on his self-portrait, are covered with gloves, but even this does not stop to see how splendid the artist was in understanding the anatomy of the human body.

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