Before us is a picture of NN Dubrovsky, “The Sea, Sailboats.” Looking at this work, immediately there is a special state of tranquility and pacification. In this picture, the artist

Before us is a picture of NN Dubrovsky, “The Sea, Sailboats.” Looking at this work, immediately there is a special state of tranquility and pacification. In this picture, the artist
But the “Motherland”, the most significant and large in size artist’s canvas, is not easy to see: it is now… in Siberia, in the Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts.
The painting “Silenced” belongs to the brush of the Russian painter NN Dubovsky. The canvas was written in 1890. According to the artist’s intention, the main attention of the viewer
From the picture of NN Dubovsky “Rainbow” is warm, fresh and fresh. The plot of the picture is simple. On it we see the sea, the boat, the man and
You can give a lot of enthusiastic reviews of the works of the artist in the pre-revolutionary press, in the memoirs of contemporaries. Here is one of them, Professor VA