Cupid and Psyche by Anthony Van Dyck

Cupid and Psyche by Anthony Van Dyck

A fairly well-known mythological story about the alliance of the Cupid and the mortal girl Psyche, which later was granted the immortality of the gods. Based on giving the parents the girls asked Amur to marry her, however he was fascinated by her beautiful beauty and decided to marry her.

After taking her to a fairytale beautiful castle, he visited her only at night, in total darkness, so as not to show his face and true origin. However, envious sisters all the time urged her to look at her husband in any way and make sure that he was a blond beautiful young man, and a terrible monster irradiated in the form of a terrible snake.

The girl gave in to persuasion and saw the face of her beloved husband with a ploy, but the Cupid was upset by what had happened and left his wife to grieve alone in the castle. Psyche for a long time was looking for a way to apologize to her husband, until she met with the goddess Venus. Venus did not want to continue this union between the god and the woman and therefore decided to deceive Psyche by deception.

In his composition, Van Dyck decided to portray the moment where Psyche after a long separation meets with his beloved Amur. Cupid is depicted in the form of a naked blond boy, with the beautiful body of the god Olympus. From his back grow snow-white angel wings.

Cupid flies to her beloved, touching her beautiful face with her own hands. Psyche is depicted in a long dream, and next to the unfolded gift of Venus. Their robes of red and blue are symbolically used by the author to distinguish between male and female. They are the brightest elements of the picture, while the background is very monotonous.

Dark trees, not particularly detailed, are made in golden brown tones well in harmony with the colors of the earth of stones and clouds, without paying too much attention.