Catchers of birds by Francois Boucher

Catchers of birds by Francois Boucher

The pastoral landscape of the French painter François Boucher “Birds Fishers”. The full size of the picture is 274 x 300 cm, canvas, oil. The oldest example of the pastoral are the idylls of the Greek poet Theocritus, who lived in the 3rd century BC.

The pastoral tendency, that is, the desire to oppose the noisy and vain life of large cities with a simple and intimate one: to the nature of the life of the shepherds, however, Theocritus is rather weak; he depicts his heroes as coarse and uneducated people, and their lives are full of hardships and heavy.

By the 1st century AD, the novella of the Greek sophist and the philosopher Chrysostom belonged. Although in this story actors are not shepherds but hunters, nevertheless the pastoral tendency is very vivid. The author shows that the rural poor are not only happier, but also more generous, kinder to their neighbor than the wealthy urban rich people. Under the influence of the novella of Dion, the famous shepherd’s love story “Daphnis and Chloe” was written, attributed to Long’s Greek writer of the 4th century.

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