Bathing Woman by Rembrandt Harmens Van Rhine

Bathing Woman by Rembrandt Harmens Van Rhine

The comparison with “Bathsheba”, which was written at the same time and almost certainly depicts the same model – Hendrickje Stoffels, involuntarily suggests itself. Associations with bathing even recall Susanna, but this kind of connection can only mean that Rembrandt had a passion for such topics and found in them a pretext for expressing eroticism.

Although the one depicted is as possible as it can not be called a biblical historical character, she is certainly not from a simple class, judging by the luxurious dress lying on the beach. Apparently, this is a sketch work. It is written in hasty, superficial strokes, which can be seen even in the image of the legs, but, above all, shirts. However, Rembrandt must have been proud of this work, as it is signed and dated.